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Why Bitcoin is Great: The Spreading of Anonymous Ideas

February 22, 2013

To slightly relate this to our previous blog post, these anonymous functions theoretically construable out of a formal language system seems to point in the direction of “as time goes on, information becomes denser” in the sense that it is quantifiable, and stored in “networking packets” to be transferred at any speed at or below the speed of light (depending on the connection) to an infinite number of listening parties.

Bitcoin allows the transfer of monetary funding to groups or individuals with good ideas so good ideas may be implemented by these groups.

To further explain our point, this is the motivation behind our blog. We have some ideas we would like to implement, and we would like to show you that they are worth more than any financial object may be worth. We do not force any contributions nor do we want to.

The benefit of doing it all anonymously is we can spread good ideas through the power of money.

If an idea is not good enough, do not give money to it. If it is worth it, then do so. Is this not the purpose of Kickstarter? So people may collaborate to get a good idea out there? It is only a benefit to get something in return; the truest and best ideas are ones one enjoys enough to give selflessly to a cause.

To further relate this to our previous blog post, these anonymous functions (giving money) act as anonymous entropy (favorability of ideas) to regulate the quality of ideas naturally within a formal language system (described in the previous post in some detail with some information left out for the reader to infer). Therefore, over time, unlike in 1984 when language is restricted artificially; instead, we (humanity) must naturally change language over time in order to better account for what the people want. Language is not government controlled; language (in the US) is fortunately protected under the First Amendment. Therefore it is our responsibility, within our lifetimes as much as possible, to change language for the better so future generations have less problems to complain about.

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  1. Some permalink

    You are expressing yourself in such abstract ways that I don’t even get what this post is about.

    • The meaning is there; it is up to you to interpret it as you believe applies best to your own life.

    • You seem to think this blog is intended for some audience in particular: it’s more of a place to express ourselves and our personal thoughts.

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